Local Residence

In order for the deceased to be buried at the Emaiksaun Cemetery, a designated family member must fill out a burial permit form. Please contact the City Clerk or Deputy Clerk for plot information.
Adopt a Plot
Keeping the City of Barrow clean. If you have an old vehicle, the City of Barrow offers a service to the public to remove and dispose of their old vehicles. To have your old vehicle removed, please complete the Vehicle Removal form.
If you have any questions, call the City Hall between 8:00am and 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Call (907) 852-5211.

Vehicle Removal
Only one member of the organization, business, family or individual, hereafter called Adoptees who participate in this program must sign this agreement before participation. Individuals, organizations and/or businesses must closely supervise anyone under the age of 16 who are participants. Anyone under the age of 15 must have parental consent to participate. City of Barrow holds no agreement, nor has entered any contractual agreements with any organization or individual in this program and bears no responsibility for injures nor participates in any discriminatory practices.
Adoptee(s) shall hold safety meetings with its membership before any additional clean up projects.
The Adoptee shall clean and maintain the adopted road with its own membership and shall not contract the clean up out to anyone who is not a member of the adopting organization, business or the individual.
The Adoptee shall adopt a section of a road that is a minimum of ½ mile in length.
The contract shall be in effect for two (2) years and shall be renewable when it expires.
The Adoptee shall pick up litter at a minimum of four (4) times during the “snow-free time of the year or when needed.” First clean up shall begin at the date of this contract.
The Adoptee shall place filled trash bags on the side of the road to be picked up by the NSB Public Works or the City of Barrow Maintenance Staff. The adoptee further agrees to properly use the Dumpsters provided by the NSB Public Works when they are available.
The Adoptee shall take all precautions for its members and exercise safety to the fullest.
Upon approval, City of Barrow will furnish garbage bags and plastic gloves as needed to the adoptee.
The Adoptee shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Barrow, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought because of any injury or damage received or sustained by any person, persons or property because of the operations and or neglect.
All participants and or members of adopt a road program who participates in this program are responsible for supervision of minor children. City of Barrow encourages participation by entities, organizations, churches and families, public and private. The City bears no responsibility of any contractual agreements.
Organizations, Businesses, Family or Individuals names above have read and agree to abide by the Adopt-a-Plot rules and regulations.